An award-winning journalist throws his professional integrity away by acting a fool and publishing long, ranting pieces on popular culture, post-modern life and the overall human condition without the help of a copy editor.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Three reasons Michael Bay is underrated (Part 1)

Yes, the man gave us Pearl Harbor, a mediocre if not terrible attempt at epic historical filmmaking. Likewise, Bad Boys II is an overlong piece of glorified mess, but what a glorified mess. The Rock has its share of bummer moments, but you know that you were excited about that shit in middle school. And what if Armageddon has a cut every 1.5 seconds?

None of these really matter, neither does the upcoming soon-to-be-classic trash Transformers movie. No, what has made me turn around my opinion of Mr. Michael Bay lies below, during his music video heyday.

Three videos from one of my favorite albums. In descending order of awesome. Let the Loaf wash over you. Gape in awe at his glory. Learn the triumph of rock. Remember, rock 'n' roll dreams come through.

Meat Loaf--"Rock N Roll Dreams Come Through"


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