Take that, Southern California!

Yay! I don't have to live on the streets! And I don't have to revert to shitty jobs at Hollywood Video, Borders Books, Jamba Juice or that weird hippie readymade art store on Solano run by a saggy-breasted ding-a-ling who wanted me to walk around the store and look burly so I'd scare away all the black people who she was certain would steal from her at the drop of a hat!
Check out the website, campusmoviefest.com. I am the newest team member for the world's largest student film festival, working at least for the next two months serving the film festival community of UC Berkeley, San Jose State, Somona State and probably Stanford. It also includes the opportunity to perhaps continue with the group to their other regions across the country and maybe even [some of] the world. Fingers crossed for that.
So there you go. Ironically, I had to come back up to the San Francisco Bay Area, ditching Los Angeles, to continue my work in the film community. Whodathunk?
So, yay me! I can get money...so I can eat! And see my fiancee! And not have my Netflix be cancelled! And other such lovely things!
And yay for exclamation points!
Relish this. This is one of the few times you will ever see me genuinely and outwardly excited about anything, as I usually tend to lest it fester inside until my joy seems like pretentious pedantic know-it-all-ism to everyone else.
And visit the website. There is quite some talent in these regular college students.
Yay! Look! Puppy!

We are both terribly lucky.
I will not be living on the street either!
Congratulations on the job! Oh, and is this a puppy that you KNOW, or just an animal image that symbolizes your inner happiness? ...just wondering.
Every day puppies symbolize my inner happiness. Dailypuppy.com.
My puppy is much much bigger.
And thank you Queenie, random Canadian reader.
Yay, baby! Now write a blog about the rampant racism on survivor because apparently the members of the far left (i.e. Bill) have not yet heard about this!
I love my moneymaking fees!
It's not rampant racism, dammit. As usual, the four tribes will merge together into two groups after probably 2-3 episodes, and everything will be okay. This is just a publicity stunt, and it's working. It will not be "Survivor: Race Wars."
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