Why, you ask? The first of the remakes was so damn good.
Well, I received this myspace message from a trusted friend from high school, and I have no reason to distrust this statement.
From Mike:
"Marcus! i know this is random as hell, but i figured you'd be a good person to spread the word among your friends and neighbors - tell anyone you know who's planning to see TCM: The Beginning tomorrow that Andrew Birnyarski (leatherface, as you undoubtedly already know) is - in real life and very factually - a multiple rapist of young girls, including someone I know very closely. I know that's probably not enough to dissuade many from paying money to go see it - I would be first in line otherwise, and it's gonna be very painful not to see it - but just so people know if they should happen to not want to support it cuz of that.
Weird how I have these really fucking random connections to both Leatherfaces, huh?
- mike"
(His connection to Gunnar Hansen, the first of the Leatherfaces in the 70s, is that he and his father met at a party years ago.)
So while I clearly cannot tell you whether or not this is true, I feel as if I must pass it along. Hell, I wasn't planning on seeing it anyway.
Labels: Leatherface, rape, Texas Chain Saw Massacre